
class pagoda.physics.AMotor(*args, **kwargs)[source]

An angular motor applies torques to change an angle in the physics world.

AMotors can be created in “user” mode—in which case the user must supply all axis and angle values—or, for 3-DOF motors, in “euler” mode—in which case the first and last axes must be specified, and ODE computes the middle axis automatically.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]


__init__(*args, **kwargs)
add_torques(torques) Add the given torques along this motor’s axes.
disable_feedback() Disable feedback on this ODE object.
enable_feedback() Enable feedback on this ODE object.


ADOF Number of angular degrees of freedom for this motor.
angle_rates List of angle rates for rotational degrees of freedom.
angles List of angles for rotational degrees of freedom.
axes List of axes for this object’s degrees of freedom.
cfms List of CFM values for this object’s degrees of freedom.
erps List of ERP values for this object’s degrees of freedom.
feedback Feedback buffer (list of 3-tuples) for this ODE motor/joint.
hi_stops List of hi stop values for this object’s degrees of freedom.
lo_stops List of lo stop values for this object’s degrees of freedom.
max_forces List of max force values for rotational degrees of freedom.
position_rates List of position rates for linear degrees of freedom.
positions List of positions for linear degrees of freedom.
stop_cfms List of lo/hi stop CFM values.
stop_erps List of lo/hi stop ERP values.
velocities List of target velocity values for rotational degrees of freedom.

Number of angular degrees of freedom for this motor.


Add the given torques along this motor’s axes.


torques : sequence of float

A sequence of torque values to apply to this motor’s axes.


List of axes for this object’s degrees of freedom.